Stephen Weinstein


Stephen Weinstein
Stephen Weinstein


Known for inspiring others to always give their best in each of their IEEE volunteer activities and to pursue increasing involvement, Stephen Weinstein’s contributions to IEEE have strengthened the Institute’s global reach, its publications, and its awards program. A communications engineer with over 45 years of experience, Weinstein served as president of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) in 1996-97, was a member of the IEEE Board of Directors in 2002-03, and was Vice Chair of the IEEE Awards Board in 2010-12. To encourage globalization of IEEE and extend the reach of ComSoc, while ComSoc president Weinstein initiated “sister society” agreements with the Korean Institute of Communications Society (KICS) and the Russian A.S. Popov Society and traveled to Vietnam and Germany to initiate sister society negotiations. He also was dedicated to developing numerous joint international technical initiatives and conference events. His efforts resulted in ComSoc becoming the first IEEE Society to have non-US membership exceed US members. Weinstein’s contributions to publications include cofounding IEEE Communications Magazine and the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. He also helped establish the Journal of Communications Networks as an English-language journal of the KICS technically cosponsored by ComSoc, served as its first editor-in-chief, and established a prestigious editorial board with global representation. His contributions as member and Vice Chair of the IEEE Awards Board included redefining corporate recognitions as major IEEE awards, which was critical to enhancing the importance of IEEE's awards to industry. As chair of the Awards Policies and Procedures Board, he significantly improved the clarity and value of the guidelines for finding and rewarding excellent award candidates.

An IEEE Life Fellow and recipient of the IEEE Communications Society Exemplary Global Service Award (2007), Weinstein is president of Communication Theory and Technology Consulting, New York, NY, USA.