IEEE France Section History


IEEE France Section History
Established date 1961-10-17
IEEE Region 8
IEEE Council
Geographic region France
Region area
Principal cities
Home page
List of Subsections in this Section


La Section de France IEEE est trouvée dans la Région 8.


En novembre de 2010, la Section de France établit un nouveau chapitre pour la Société de Systèmes Constrol.


2012 MGA GOLD Achievement Award to Salima Kaissi (R8), France Section; For her outstanding contributions to public visibility of IEEE by creating and implementing the idea of establishing a global IEEE Day.

Section officers

France Section Officers
Year Chair Vice chair Secretary Treasurer
2000 Jean Remy Christine Nora Victor Fouad-Hanna
2001 Jean Remy Christine Nora / Frederique Vallee Victor Fouad-Hanna
2002 Victor Fouad-Hanna G A Capolino Christine Nora
2003 Victor Fouad-Hanna Gerard Kantorowicz Christine Nora
2004 Victor Fouad-Hanna Gerard Kantorowicz Christine Nora
2005 G A Capolino Amara Amara Humberto Henao Christine Nora
2006 G A Capolino Amara Amara Humberto Henao Christine Nora
2007 G A Capolino Amara Amara Christine Nora
2008 Daniel Pasquet Amara Amara Frederique Vallee Christine Nora
2009 Daniel Pasquet Amara Amara Frederique Vallee Christine Nora
2010 Daniel Pasquet Amara Amara Frederique Vallee Christine Nora
2011 Pierre Borne Amara Amara Frederique Vallee Christine Nora
2012 Pierre Borne Amara Amara Frederique Vallee Christine Nora
2013 Pierre Borne Amara Amara Frederique Vallee Christine Nora
2014 Amara Amara Mohamed Ramdani Frederique Vallee Humberto Henao
2015 Amara Amara Mohamed Ramdani Frederique Vallee Humberto Henao
2016 Amara Amara Mohamed Ramdani Frederique Vallee Humberto Henao
2017 Frederique Vallee Mohamed Ramdani Helene Tonchia Hakeim Talleb
2018 Frederique Vallee Mohamed Ramdani Helene Tonchia Hakeim Talleb
2019 Frederique Vallee Mohamed Ramdani Helene Tonchia Hakeim Talleb
2020 Claire Lajoie-Mazenc Murielle Lacombled Richard Perdriau Pascal Lorenz
2021 Claire Lajoie-Mazenc Murielle Lacombled Richard Perdriau Pascal Lorenz

Documents d'archives

Liens externes

Link to Section Homepage